Product List

Consoles and Integrated Systems

Control Heads
Type 5500 DCH
Type PCH
- Type 5400 Electric
- Series 5401-1100 Telegraph
- Type 5402 Pneumatic
- Series 5400-1100 Electric Shaft
- Type 5402-2000 2 in 1
- Type 5402-4000 3 in 1
- Dual Lever Coupling
Type 5022 RCH Pneumatic
Type MCH
- Type 5800 MCH-E
- Type 5800-2000 MCH-EB
- Type 5800-3000 MCH-ET
- Type 5040-1000  MCH-ES
Type 5040-2000 MCH-ES2
Type SCH
- Type 5070/5071 SCH-V
- Type 5072/5073 SCH-AA
- Type 5078 SCH-C
- Type 5078 SCH-M / SCH-C
Type LCH
- Type 5080 LCH
Type ACH Azimuth
- Type 5360-1000 ACH
- Type 5360-1100 ACH - Digital
Type DLH
- Series 5061-2000
Dial Control Head
- Series 5061-2100
Dial Control Head
- Series 5061-2200
Dial Control Head
- Series 5061-2300
Dial Control Head
- Type 5061-1000
Hand Wheel
- Type 5800
Jet engine test cell
- Type 5400
Navy Control Heads

Propulsion Telegraphs
- Type 5061-1100
Hand Wheel
- Type 5401 Lever
- Type 8201 Pushbutton
- Series 8202-1000 Compact
  Series 8202-2000 Azimuth
  Series 8202-3000 Azimuth
- Series 8202-4000
- Signalling Devices

Fixed Propeller Controls
- Type 8550-2000 MPC-D Control System
- Type 1100 MPC-9H Control Panel

CP Propeller Controls
- Type 8550-3200 MPC-CP Control System
- D-MaC Propulsion Control
- Pitch Actuators and Controllers
- Type 3005-1000 PA-EL2 Electro-Hydraulic Pitch Actuator
- Type 3010 PCA-2L Pitch Controller
- Type 3310-1001 PA-ER2 Electro-Hydraulic Pitch Actuator
- Type 3310 PA-ER3 Electro-Hydraulic Pitch Actuator
- Pitch Position Indicators

Azimuth Drive Controls
- Series 8551-1000 MPC-U Control System

Voyage Fuel Management System

Bow Thruster Controls

- Type 3380-1000
- Type 3380-1100 Proportional Servo
- Type 3380-1300 Three Position

Alarm and Monitoring
- Type 8001 Annunciator
- Type 8101 Repeater
- Type 8421 Annunciator
- Type 8421 UDC
- Type 8110 Tank Level Monitor
Type 8110-8900 Tank Level Monitor Software
- Signalling Devices
- Type 8121-2000 Single Point Display


PMC Omni Chief

Navigation Light Controls
- Type 8010 Nav Light Panel
- Type 8012 Nav Light Panel
- Type 8014 LED Nav Light Panel
- Navigation Light Mimics

Hardwired Mimics

Type 8161 Azimuth Display Meter
- Type 8118 Digital
- Type 8502 Unidirection
- Type 8502 Bidirectional
Pressure Indicators
Pitch Indication
Position Transmitters
- Type 2301 Pneumatic
- Type 2302-1000 RVDT
- Type 2302-1100 360°
- Type 8360 Potentiometer
Temperature Indicators
Level Indicators

Control Valves
Logic & Control Panels
Fuel Rack Position Transmitter

Winch Controls

Shaft Brakes